Vets Returning Home is a nonprofit and non-government funded organization dedicated to help our veterans transition into stable lives.
The goal of Vets Returning Home is simple: to end chronic homelessness among veterans in our communities. Our mission is complex, requiring more than putting a roof over the veterans’ heads. It requires an approach that address the “total veteran” and his needs and making sure they succeed after they are transitioned. We are a volunteer operated 11,000 square foot facility with 43 beds and commercial kitchen. 6 of the 43 beds are dedicated to females only. We provide a stable and sober living environment to veterans in crisis. Onsite services including employment readiness training, aid with job placement, disability benefit connection, legal support and life skills training. Community support both physical and financial has been vital to our ability to continue our mission. Vets Returning home receives NO government funding. We have successfully transitioned on average 250 veterans a year back into society as a fully functioning community member.

- Aaron (Veteran) after being surprised with a new car
Michigan veterans in crisis
suffer ptsd
veterans helped yearly
6 of 43
Female Beds
Looking for ways to help?
Monetary donations are very helpful or a guest pay on our DTE, Consumers, Comcast account and Smart bus passes 30 day.
If you chose to make a contribution to one of our accounts, please send an email (info@vetsreturninghome.org) letting us know which account, your name, address the $$ amount so we can send a charitable donation receipt to you.
Consumer’s Energy account: 1030-0750-3180
DTE Energy account: 9100-345-8060-5
Comcast account: 8529-10-115-0387943
Thank you for your continued support!
Our Sponsors

Kustom Truck & Trailer

The Stephen Hooper Corporation


Terry Mekoski
Anna Mekoski